PHP (Laravel)
Project Lenght:
More than 2 years
Team size:
4 specialists

Wellspace brings the world of health and prevention to the online space. It is a SaaS application whose task is to automate and simplify complex and diverse actions of small businesses in the field of health. On the other hand, it enables end consumers to manage and literally put together their care for fitness and a quality lifestyle in the form of services or the purchase of online information products. As Wellspace is a constantly evolving application that reflects the needs of target groups, it therefore needs a strong technical partner by its side who will perfectly meet all its needs and requirements.

Wellspace end consumers can search for movement, health and beauty services and providers by location or by selected category, wherever they are. With a few clicks and just one login, they will find out references, provided services and free dates or future events for all providers who use Wellspace.

Stripe payment gateway
Stripe is one of the world’s most modern payment services, which is one of the few to provide payment management for the marketplace, which brings benefits to every interested party – the user, the provider and even the marketplace itself. The choice of this payment service also enables Wellspace and its clients to quickly scalable the sale of services abroad.

Intuitive online reception
Thanks to intelligent and intuitive management of availability, notifications and up-to-date services, Wellspace can save service providers up to 40% of their time per month, which they would otherwise use inefficiently for unnecessary administrative tasks.